eran from surveys

d e l i b e r a t e c o n t r o v e r s i e s

a place to discuss controversies created to serve partisan interests like ban on sand mining mullaperiyar water sharing

Sunday, November 7, 2010

petrol price hike and the common man

this should be technology at its best .
cars running 30 kilometres or more on a litre of diesel.
great indeed. but the catch is that these cars are costly.

costlier than cars running on petrol.
so the common man ends up buying petrol cars.
and he gets mileage of 10 kilometres or less.

so the rich people run their cars for as little
as one rupee per kilometre while the common man
spends around four rupees for the same kilometre.

so the hike in petrol price hits the midle class,
who drive two wheelers and petrol cars, the most.
but we are told that petrol price is allowed to go up
( while the diesel price is still held down )
as it affects only the rich.

so much for indoctrinating the public. but why the
technology which gives 30 kilometres per litre
of diesel is not adopted in petrol cars remains a mystery.
or why diesel is still subsidised ( shifting the cost
to the exchequer which in turn loads onto the tax payer )
is not clear. if the argument is that goods are transported
using diesel vehicles then what is holding up the adoption
of the high mileage common rail technology in our trucks
and goods carriers is not clear

Thursday, May 6, 2010

conservation and all that

let us not destroy the trees. that is fine. but tree is an asset. let us not be foolish not to exploit this asset. allow the trees to grow to its full strength . then cut them and use them. even if it is for the good of the world let us not abstain from utilising our natural resources. the countries which forbid us now are the ones who exploited forests and all other resources mercilessly and in the process overtook the other nations.

but it does not mean that we should deplete our forests. in fact we should increase the forest . and we can . plant more trees. for every tree that is cut ensure that two trees are planted and nurtured.

let us grow trees cut and use the trees and grow more trees